Re-Volt I/O

Re-Volt I/O - No Repo Races (Special)

Wednesday, 19th of February

No Repo Races (Special)

Category: Special

We will be playing Other with Main Pack (Rookie to Pro) at 18:30 UTC (3 weeks ago).

We race on special tracks where repoing doesn't work normally. You can still press the repo-button but it won't move your car anywhere which means to finish a race you must stay on track!

Download this track pack only availbale during the session! Download No Repo Tracks

Session rules:

  • The strategy in this session is up to you - you can try to finish the race as fast as possible or focus on knocking other racers off the track (going backwards and shooting lapped cars is allowed in this session)
  • Point system for this session: Top 8 finishers receive points (10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1).
  • If you want to score points from a race you must finish the race within time limit! Time limit is 5 minutes unless specified in the tracklist
  • If no one finishes the race in time limit, no points are given from that track and we move on

Track Selection


The game will be hosted by these fine folks:
