Re-Volt I/O

Re-Volt I/O - RVGL/1.2 Additional Car Camera

RVGL/1.2 Additional Car Camera

Date: January 9, 2017
Authors: Gel38
Categories: Parameters, RVGL, 1.2
Tags: car_making

;)CAMATTACHED { ; Start Camera
;)HoodOffset 40.00 -10.00 -160.00
;)HoodLook 0.01
;)RearOffset 0.00 150.00 300.00
;)RearLook 0.04
;)} ; End Camera

1. Camera

This signifies the beginning of the camera section.


With this line being present, it will add an additional viewport for the car.

3. HoodOffset

This is the position of the camera from the hood of the car for the front view. It works on an XYZ coordinate system.

On the X axis (1st number), positive numbers will move the camera to the right of the car, and negative numbers will move it to the left.

On the Z axis (2nd number) positive numbers will move the camera downwards, and negative will move the camera's position up.

On the Y axis (3rd number) negative numbers will move the camera to the rear of the car, and positive numbers will move it to the front.

4. HoodLook

This is the angle of the camera (as if rotated on the X axis). Lower numbers will cause the camera to look straight ahead, and higher numbers will cause the camera to angle downward towards the ground. Use very small increments with this setting, as, 0.04 seems to work quite nicely with most cars (for a forward facing viewport).

5. RearOffset

This is the position of the camera from the hood of the car for the rear view. It works on an XYZ coordinate system.

On the X axis (1st number), positive numbers will move the camera to the right (when standing behind the car) of the car, and negative numbers will move it to the left.

On the Z axis (2nd number) positive numbers will move the camera upwards, and negative will move the camera's position down.

On the Y axis (3rd number) negative numbers will move the camera to the rear of the car, and positive numbers will move it to the front.

6. RearLook

This is the angle of the camera (as if rotated on the X axis). Lower numbers will cause the camera to look directly behind, and higher numbers will cause the camera to angle downward towards the ground. Use very small increments with this setting.