Re-Volt I/O

Re-Volt I/O - RVGL/1.2 Car Spinner

RVGL/1.2 Car Spinner

Date: January 9, 2017
Authors: Gel38
Categories: Parameters, RVGL, 1.2
Tags: car_making
;)Type 1
;)Trans 0.000000 3.000000 6.000000
;)TransVel 0.001000

1. Type

This command line tells Re-Volt how the spinner behaves. It uses the values 1, 2, 4, and 6.

The input of 1 is the basic rotating spinner (Such as the radar on the top of Bertha Ballistics).

The value of 2 causes the spinner to turn (not rotate) to the left and right when the steering of the car is turned left or right. The same function occurs for the numerical inputs of: -9, -6, -2, -1, 3, 7

The number 4 will cause the spinner to shift in it's rotational direction the car moves forward, and then shift back when reverse is engaged, or the car is stopped. This can be used in tandem with the "Trans" to create working tail lights for a car.

An input of 6 is a combination of 2 and 4, to create a picture of this, it is like a powered front wheel which turns.

2. Trans

This setting tells Re-Volt how far a turning (non-rotating) spinner will move on the X, Y, and Z axis. This responds to the steering of the car. (Type 2 spinner.)

Higher numbers will cause the object to move farther. While lower numbers permit lesser movement.

Modifying the Z axis will allow for the use of working tail lights in game. However, the "TransVel" setting will also need adjusted, as it deals with the speed of the spinner.

3. TransVel

This is the speed at which a turning spinner (such as the turning head of Panga) will move. This value should always be a positive number and never 0. The higher this number is, the faster the spinner will react.

When using this setting for tail lights, it is suggested to use a number of 10 or more, to make sure the object is not seen in motion.