Re-Volt I/O

Re-Volt I/O - Do not buy Re-Volt on GOG

Do not buy Re-Volt on GOG

11 years ago, 13-01-2014

Re-Volt has been on GOG for a while. As you know, WeGoInteractive owns the IP rights for Re-Volt.

However, the build offered on GOG (Re-Volt 1.2 from was done by Huki and Jigebren. It has been completely re-engineered, thus the code is entirely made by the community and not Probe, therefore they do not own the rights to use it. They did not give permission to WeGoI to use the patch in any commercial way. They stole it without crediting them in any way which might be the reason for them not having released an update in a while. Even if there was a legal way for them doing this, it really is an audacious move.

There has been a severe lack of communication between WeGoI and the community due to a lack of comprehension, they don’t answer to any questions and the like. We’ve now contacted GOG and are awaiting their response.

Stay tuned and do not buy Re-Volt on GOG. Don’t support those thieves (WeGo, it's not GOG's fault).

Comment Section of the original Blog: says: January 14, 2014 at 3:26 pm

Hello, this is the team.

We have not received the message from you, but we have been notified about the issue. We’ve reached out to the IP right holders for clarification on the whole thing. To the best of our knowledge the build we were provided with was supposed to be cleared with all and any relevant parties. We take the game modding community very seriously at (and we have many examples to support that statement), and we would never knowingly offer for sale a game containing modded or re-written code, without making good by the code’s authors.

As of now, we’re de-listing Re-Volt from our catalog (this will happen around 4PM GMT), and we won’t offer it for sale until this matter is resolved to all of the parties’ satisfaction.

We assure the Re-Volt community we’ve been always acting in our good faith in accordance to the information we were provided.

Thank you for your impressive work with Re-Volt, and please accept our apologies for the stress this situation may have caused.

Marv says: January 14, 2014 at 4:35 pm

Thank you so much. The game really means a lot to us. Have a nice day, guys. The community will be very thankful. says: January 14, 2014 at 4:58 pm

Phew, glad to see you’re not blaming us. The way you phrased that last paragraph? For a moment there we thought you were calling us thieves 😉

Marv says: January 14, 2014 at 5:48 pm

No way! You guys are awesome! You’re by no means the thieves 😉