Re-Volt I/O

Re-Volt I/O - New Cars and Clockworks | Good Day! (Week 9/10, 2017)

New Cars and Clockworks | Good Day! (Week 9/10, 2017)

7 years ago, 07-03-2017

Today we will be looking at some original cars from The RV brothers, Iron Bob and FZG.


Naval baron

The naval baron is a scratch made car straight from the hands of RV Pure and RV Passion. This delightful car combines the looks of a speedboat with the handling of an advanced class rc car, for a very well balanced combo that could rival the originals. The high acceleration and top speed are its strong points, but they also get rivaled by its light chassis and sometimes slidy steering. After five years in the making, we can definitely state that it has been worth the wait.

Team Magma

The next vehicle in the line is coming from the very talented carmaker, Iron Bob. This new scratch made buggy brings back the old classic feeling of the hi-ban buggies, with a little extra pep in its step. Although some might find the car a little too fast, the AI really balances it out and makes it a fine addition to one's re-volt collection.

Now onto the clockwork themed packs.

Passions clockworks

Passion's 5 cute little fellows are extra additions to the clockworks you can see on your options screen. The params were left untouched to maintain the original clockwork experience. However, the looks are really original, and each is a little unique in its own way. With the addition of these adorable racers, online clockwork races might become a thing in the near future.

FZG’s clockworks

This collection of custom cars focuses on stirring up the good old clockwork carnage. With these 3 new additions to race with, everyone can find a car to suit his/her own needs. The pack contains a nascar-type clockwork, which is ideal for flat tracks. A monster truck for harder, dirt type surfaces, made for chaos. And a truck to strike a fine balance inbetween the two others mentioned. The pack is definitely a nice addition to any carnage lover’s re-volt library.

All’s fair

As some of you may already know, the all’s fair competition is still going, and many people have already sent their cars in. The deadline is not set yet, polls are rolling about the perfect time to race, so we will inform everyone about the deadline, and the races in the coming weeks.

Those were the news for week 3, next week, we will take a look at some tracks, and maybe report more about the all’s fair competition. Stay tuned, and have a good day!