Re-Volt I/O

Re-Volt I/O - June 2018

June 2018

7 years ago, 21-06-2018

Topics: Soundtrack Project, WIP custom tracks (Santorini, Spa-Volt), 1v1 Streams, RVGL Roadmap

Soundtrack Project

So far, two tracks have been submitted to the project: Animalistic and Screeching Friction by ZetaSphere. These two tracks were exclusively made for the project. Check them out, they're amazing.


Alexander has been working on another extreme track set in Santorini. The track features a tight and fast flow, bright colors and detailed shadows. Check out the latest progress here.


Kiwi also has a huge track project with many long-term goals. The track is set in a spa during night. The lighting setup is great and the attention to detail is amazing, even at this stage of the project. Check out his progress here.

I/O League 1v1

If you missed Vaid's live streams you can watch the recordings on youtube:

RVGL Roadmap

Not much happened in terms of the RVGL roadmap since I've been busy moving to another city. However, 5torm posted his modding work that he's done a few years ago on the forum, parts of which could be used for the project.
My work (new hud graphics) can be found on GitLab. This also includes many assets made by Allan. You can read about the RVGL roadmap here.