Re-Volt I/O

Re-Volt I/O - May Content Packs Update

May Content Packs Update

5 years ago, 04-05-2020

The Content Packs have been updated!

Click here to download all the new content.

Updates for the main packs will follow in the coming weeks.

A grand total of 70 skins were added, and 2 skins were updated.

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Three new tracks make their debut in the track, with another making a return. Many other tracks have been updated to have the REDBOOK play, and/or to have powerups appear.

You must remove the .w file located in the reversed folder for Clubman Stage Route 5 and Special Stage Route 5 for some textures to display correctly again.

Additions Updates
Autumn Ring AMCO Driftume
Autumn Ring Mini Berm Lake Circuit
SS Route Re-Volt Clubman Stage Route 5
Super Speedway Elkhart
Emerald Pastures Raceway
Grand Prix de Morvan
LS Biano 8
LS Kart Space I
LS Tama Valley Route B
LS Tama Valley Route C
Motor Volt Land
Red Rock Valley
Scassland Vigani HQ
Special Stage Route 5
Touge Drift

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A staggering 16 tracks was added to the pack and 2 tracks were removed. A handful of the pack was also optimised to save space.

Additions Removals
Battle Stunt Arena Museum Lobby Battle
Cemetery Battle Party in the Toy World
LMS Arena
LMS Battle Platform 1
LMS InfernHell Haze
LMS Lego 4
LMS Ouija
LMS Planet
LMS (To)Shooting Star
LMS Skyblock
LMS Soul Tosh
LMS Transformers Arena
LMS Valley
The Arena
Unreal Tournament
Voltball Arena

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