8 years ago
Good Day!
It's been four years since NerdCubed played Re-Volt on his Youtube channel. Now he's completing the whole game in his new video series. Check out the first part below!
In other news, the player limit is most likely going to be raised from 12...
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Today we will be looking at some original cars from The RV brothers, Iron Bob and FZG.
The naval baron is a scratch made car straight from the hands of RV Pure and RV Passion. This delightful car combines the looks of a speedboat with the handling of an advanced class rc car,...
Continue reading...8 years ago
Huki released a new version of RVGL which you can download on ORP. For some users, there have been issues with the animation speed and audio glitches at high framerates. Those issues have been fixed and the network code has also been worked on. Some bigger chang...
Continue reading...8 years ago
Good day!
Today we're looking at two new tracks by DC.all.
You might remember RV Frontend, the Wordpress blog we've had for ages. It's still there and posts are appearing every now and then; there just haven't been many things to write about lately. Another reason is the Di...
Continue reading...9 years ago
The combined effort of ptitSeb and Huki has brought us a port of our beloved game to the Open Pandora handheld. It is based on a recent version of RVGL and it works just like any other version of the game.
There have been four builds so far. Bugs have been fixed and the game is reported to play qu...
Continue reading...9 years ago
I just received a brilliant pingback from http://pretendracecars.net/2015/12/26/reader-submission-71-the-war-on-re-volt/
My favorite passages:
Continue reading...At this point, the Re-Volt community should have launched a petition demanding WeGo to give their IP’s to the community. I personally would like to th...
9 years ago
Here’s a list of all their fuckups
I found that one post that disappeared! Once again went through the things I saved to my HDD… They might have the rights to do some of these things, but still… Not so nice. I once published this post as ‘Things WeGo stole”. Not sure why it disappeared. Here goes....
Continue reading...10 years ago
Some of you might have heard about our plans to make a podcast for the community (other shall be surprised now). Now, after several failures in terms of editing, it is finally there.
Today marks the day of the release of the first Re-Volt podcast.
This time we talk about WeGo, the company that ac...
Continue reading...10 years ago
Browsing through old reviews of the game, I found a Q&A with Throwback’s CEO. It is interesting to see what they were planning back then, but you know things went unfortunate and Throwback didn’t reboot the franchise. Sad to see, I liked their attitude.
Gamespot – Q&A: Throwback CEO Thomas Maduri
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For some time now I’ve been wanting to make some tutorials about track and car making. It’s been rather hard to get into the matter, I have to admit. Having learned how to create content for the game from community members, rather than tutorials, I know that something has to change.
It all started...
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