6 years ago
Welcome to the Online Championship! We will be racing the tracks from Bronze Cup through Platinum Cup with the same number of laps and the same cars and ratings as the original singleplayer cups. The top 3 finishers in each given cup will advance to the next cup, judged by the original Re-Volt p...
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After eight months, it is finally time to begin the next All's Fair! The events will be held on the weekend of April 27-28 at 14:00 UTC. As with last time, we'll have three different categories: most competitive, most innovative and best appearance.
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6 years ago
Daylight Savings Time is now in effect in Europe, and the time for online events has been moved to 18:00 UTC. If you live in Europe, events will occur at the same local time as before.
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We expected this podcast to be the shortest one so far, yet it turned out that the very opposite happened. We didn't exactly plan on spending that long on the Q&A section, that's for sure! This time around, we also included unreleased music by ZetaSphere, one of the contributors for the RVGL soundtr...
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We weren't very happy with how this podcast turned out, but we decided that we might as well release it as it is and just do a better job next time. Nonetheless, we hope you can overlook our various blunders and that you'll enjoy this month's podcast!
6 years ago
The Halloween Carnival has ended, and it was a blast! The racing tournament was won by Wichilie, followed by Shara in 2nd place and Saffron in 3rd place. The full results can be seen here. Meanwhile, the beauty contest ended with a tie between Count Pongula and R.I.P., followed by Mol...
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